Growth Mindset
I haven't heard of Carol Dweck before this assignment, but I found myself agreeing with a lot of what she had to say about learning. However, I also agree that there are many problems with the current state of teaching in American today to where this kind of encouragement is difficult to implement inn grading. I rember several instances in my school from myself and friends, where we were told by various teachers (typically in the science field) that we couldn't go on to try the harder level because, according to the teacher, we didn't show the effort necessary even though we willingly came up to try to get permission.
I think another important aspect which Dweck touched on briefly is the importance of parental guidance in setting a person's growth mindset. While teachers can't do much with the grading system in schools across American, home life influences a person from birth. One of the main reason's i am where I am today is the driving thought that no matter what other people say, we set our own mindset towards a goal. This was drilled into me by my parents as long as I can remember, and while I think it also has its pros and cons, it has gotten me through a lot of hardships throughout high school and college.
I think another important aspect which Dweck touched on briefly is the importance of parental guidance in setting a person's growth mindset. While teachers can't do much with the grading system in schools across American, home life influences a person from birth. One of the main reason's i am where I am today is the driving thought that no matter what other people say, we set our own mindset towards a goal. This was drilled into me by my parents as long as I can remember, and while I think it also has its pros and cons, it has gotten me through a lot of hardships throughout high school and college.
Make your own mind map
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