As a science major and a junior at OU, life gets very stressful. Taking lab after lab and even a single summer class that requires 12 hours of studying a day through the whole summer takes a huge toll on a person's mind and mental health. And in my opinion, the best medicine for any kind of stress is an animal that will love on you no matter what! All of my life has been filled with all different kinds of pets. I've had fishes, guinea pigs, turtles, a tortoise, lizards, snails, frogs, and even sea monkeys, but by far my favorite pets have been my dogs. Tortoise (picture from my camera roll) Harley the guinea pig (picture from my camera roll) Now the hardest thing for me to do is pick out pictures of my dogs. All the pictures are just so sweet and bring back many great memories with friends and family. My camera roll is packed with them! To start out, I'll talk about my grandma. She has a beautiful set of black labs that are super sweet and absolutely love at...
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