Week 8 Comments and Feedback

Feedback in: I don't really find a lot of the feedback on my stories so far to be very helpful. Many have commented saying my layout looks very nice, which was nice to hear since I paid a lot of attention to that aspect of my portfolio. Multiple people have commented wondering how my Mice and Tabby Cat story would turn out if I had kept the lesson at the end the same as the original, which didn't seem to be a very creative or helpful suggestion since I include in my author's note that I didn't find that part of the original story to be fair.

Feedback out: I would say I always put a lot of effort to try to give feedback and suggestions that could be helpful to enhance the story that is already there, and not to change the whole plot. I have always had the philosophy to give what I want to receive. I value good feedback so I try to give good feedback to the best of my ability.

Blog Comments: I feel like I am getting to know a few people in the class and that the introduction posts do a good job of facilitating that. I also feel this way about my own blog and introduction post.

Looking Forward: I might make a few changes to my introduction to show a little bit more of my personality in the beginning. Right now it seems to be more of an introduction to my dogs instead of me!

Imperfect Kitten
I chose this image because I relate to it so much. I am quite a perfectionist, but I also have ADHD which basically makes me hyper focus on some things while I procrastinate hardcore on others. Having this kind of mindset helps stop me from spending too much time on one thing and not enough on others. 


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