Week 8 Reading and Writing

I enjoy my blog's layout and design. After seeing a fair amount of other blogs, I can say that I have seen some that I find hard to navigate. In my opinion, I think mine is fairly easy to navigate. Also, I have received a fair amount of comments complimenting my profile website, so I am going to keep doing what I've been doing and keep the layout consistent.

As far as my stories go, I think I am sorely lacking. I have a good amount of reading done but I have been unable to find the energy to write the past two stories. I had a lot of other conflicts with lab practicals and lab reports. The ones I do have written I think are a good start and have fit well in my portfolio.

Overall, The reading assignments haven't done much to spark my interest in a good story to write. I'm not very happy that I haven't been able to complete all of the writing assignments. Maybe I will try writing a few microfictions to spark my creativity. Looking forward, I want to keep my schedule inn the correct way so that I don't end up pushing off this class. I feel like there has been so much reading which takes me quite a while, that I just don't always have time to write the notes. I would suggest making the reading deadline later in the week, or splitting the deadline to have one reading due tuesday, the next thursday, and the writing due friday, to allow 2 days for each reading for those who have to use the due dates as their schedule for the class.

City Apartment Front
This image is from my Mice and Tabby Cat post which is also revised on my portfolio project. I was really happy I found this picture because it was almost exactly the setting I was picturing when I was writing the story.


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