Reading Notes: 7 Secrets of the Goddess Part B

Continuing with the 7 Secrets of the Goddess, I am going to pick up at Gaia's Secret Chapter 1.3 and 1.4, where the narrator talks about treatment of women through the ages.
-urban culture: value of obedience which showed a man's control, enforced obedience in women
-culture weighted above nature--> hierarchy instead of yin and yang--> culture domesticates nature
           Egyptian, Chinese, Greek, Japanese, Hindu
-seen also in mythologies of the above cultures (like Zeus)
-women seen as those who break rules, cause problems
-men began to gain value from their possession like women-> isolation for their own good
- higher isolation= more valuable--> Snow White, an equivalent also in Indian mythology
-Greek and Hindu mythology and Christianity point to women as honorable figures
-but then they are later dehumanized to symbolize masculine honor--> rise of Patriarchy

-more urbanization--> disgust for material things
-earth= goddess as pairs and triads embodying paradoxes (Fates)
-earth/gravity= binding--> women = restraint --> turn towards the sky
-winged beings
-in fairy tales, women became damsels in distress or witches, both a burden on man
- buddhism and hinduism initially focused on men, but eventually turned to include women/ goddesses as well [Devi]

This marks the end of Gaia's Secret: Male anxiety is outdated
I really enjoyed how this series brought in examples of other mythologies, religions, and cultures to exemplify the treatment and view of women through the ages. I especially appreciated the Greek stories as I have a passion for Greek Mythology and it helped me picture the gist of the point the narrator was explaining. While the narrator brought in other example, she still was able to bring the focus back to Indian religion that we have been studying throughout the class.

"7 Secrets of the Goddess" by Epified. Website: Youtube

Devi as a Powerful Figure


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