Reading Notes: Seven Secrets of the Goddess Part A

Gaia's Secret 1-2
Chapter 1:Male anxiety is outdated
-Gaia+Uranos--> Kronos, Aphrodite, and others
Kronos eats sons, except Zeus, who overpowers him, and the story goes on;
idea of female deity "side-lined" by powerful male deity is prevalent in many mythologies
-through Egyptian, Eskimo, and Indian mythologies
-females have to "womb" which is pure, but the males must compete
-pastoral communities realized not all males were necessary
-in matriarchal societies, to ensure males could not dominate, the males were sacrificed
-in much earlier times, "virgin" meant a woman who was ready/ open to have children, and "prostitute" meant a woman who was free to go to any man
-Yami and Yama, brother and sister and other mythologies show a relationship of death with sex, sex with pleasure, and pleasure with women, leading to an association of women with vulnerability
-rejection of women--> strength and freedom of suffering
-women became inn demand for those seeking to make a family, as making a family creating a lineage became important--> abduction and rape
-agricultural society--> ownership --> women no longer chose her own love
-in some mythologies (Greek and Hindu) powerful gods took other forms to enjoy other women
-fear of being unable to please wives lead to strict rule of fidelity and the belief that a woman gained power by being faithful

The videos summarized how women were treated in mythology and in real life through many years. It seemed to shift in many ways, and I really enjoyed how they went through many different kinds of beliefs, regions, and mythologies, while still focusing on the Hindu version.

"7 Secrets of the Goddess" by Epified. Website: Youtube

Gaia as a Statue


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